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Rob Wingrave

Next Big Wargame Project - Sword Beach 6th June 1944 - Update 1944 - Update 5

Updated: Aug 16, 2022

I am still hopeful of being ready for next June. Terrain making has taken up a large part of my time. I have been making extra beach sections some with sea walls. These are are nearly complete. I am also re-painting by sea/ beach sections to match the new beach sections which will be complete by next week hopefully.

German Strongpoints are all planned and bunkers etc purchased (All Britannia / Defence in Depth) for each one. Cutting of foam has commenced although I have been wrestling over the depth of the trenches. In reality the figures should be unseen when in a trench unless they are on a firing step. I have gone for the visual war game look, so the figures are seen when they are placed in the trench. To complete the project I need to make 9 German Strongpoints. The largest will be 450mm by 1200mm (COD) which will be over 4 boards to allow for storage. A few more landing craft have been painted including a Landing Craft Rocket (Britannia) which will have a cameo role at the start of the game

Wave 1 for the British has been completed the 13th / 18th Hussars have been painted and based which will be Wave 1 and part of Wave 5. Only another 12 waves to sort out for the Brits..


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