Phil umpired an engaging contest between Indian rebels and British imperial forces at the War Room earlier today. Pete, Rob and I were Mutineers, while Brian and Alex were on the Empire side, using Phil's bespoke rules.
After a brief discussion, both sides set up their armies. The Mutineers placed all their cavalry (8 units) on their right (Pete), their best infantry (8 units) in the centre (Rob), and their tribal and badmash skirmishers (7 units) (me) on the left (I also had four more infantry units). Our plan was to launch a massive flank attack from our right and centre.
Brian deployed six of the eight Imperial infantry on his right, while Alex took the cavalry (six units) and two infantry units on the left and centre. Their plan was to advance on their right and hold their centre and left.
Pete's outflanking move began, but got bogged down, partly due to his thinking that the wood to his front was impenetrable (Phil later said it wasn't). This meant that our cavalry took a detour.
Alex's brigade of three cavalry units on the left contained some powerful units, and he used his fearsome Dragoon Guards to pin back Pete's lesser cavalry.
Rob was able to see off a lancer charge on one of his infantry units, but this unit was forced to retire soon afterwards.
Alex boldly charged a unit of Sikh horse and another of Hussars into some Mutineer infantry in our centre, but both were forced to retreat having taken fire on the way in, and lost both melees.
Still, Alex managed to rally his lancers on the left, and charged in again with his hussars, routing two of Rob's infantry units on the Mutineer right.
One unit of East India Company infantry and another of Highlanders under Alex pushed on and caused one of Rob's units in the centre to rout.
However, the Highlanders' kilts could not protect them and they lost a melee against another mutineer unit, and fled.
Meanwhile, Brian had been advancing with the bulk of the Imperial infantry against my left and centre, and routed one infantry unit with long-range fire.
Pete was by now making progress against the Imperial left as he swung round to threaten their flank.
But the Mutineers were beginning to suffer more and more casualties, as one of Rob's infantry lost a melee against the East India Company foot, and Alex's Dragoon Guards checked Pete's mutineer cavalry.
After lunch, my position became steadily untenable, as three of my 11 infantry units were shaken and forced to retreat.
Alex's Scots continued to retreat however.
Brian's infantry marched on and while taking some casualties from my irregulars and Sepoys, kept on coming.
By now, Alex's cavalry on the Imperial left were being surrounded by Pete's cavalry and Rob's advancing infantry.
Nevertheless, Brian assaulted my infantry, and I lost both my light guns, besides one tribal unit, despite inflicting some casualties.
The Mutineer right appeared to have won, but our left (yes, me) manned by skirmishers was being mullered... (Gurkhas vs. Badmashes...)
The Mutineer infantry was so brittle that when Rob attacked the East India Company unit in the rear with his own infantry, the former turned to face, while Rob's unit turned and fled after the melee!
In a series of clinching close combats, Brian routed four of my badmash or tribal units, for the retreat of only one of his own.
The Mutineer left had disintegrated. Overall, we had lost five infantry units, five irregular infantry units, and two cavalry units. The British had lost one battalion and four cavalry units.
An enjoyable day's play with some lovely figures. The rules were fairly straightforward, but we did benefit from Phil umpiring and explaining things. It seems that the Mutineer side needs a considerably larger army to stand a chance against the British, or simply a less open battlefield (urban areas provide defensive bonuses). Even so, a memorable game with friendly badinage and Rob rolling well for a change. Thanks to Phil, and Rob for hospitality.
Sikh Wars next please!